Sunday, December 19, 2010

It's a GIRL! X 2

This was made for a baby show for my cousin. She was throwing the shower for her sister in law who is having twin girls! The cake is a chocolate cake with cookies n cream filling. I was told Kelley's favorite cookie is an oreo, it seemed perfect!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Cookies!

Adri gave me 101 cookie cutters for Jake and I put them to good use. Jake is great at cutting as many cookies as he can in one slab of dough. So I put him to work and here are the finished and decorated cookies...all ready to go to work with me. Don't worry there will be Christmas cakes to follow and even a baby shower cake!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thanksgiving Goodies!

I made a Lemon cake with Blueberry cream cheese filling for one of the dinners we went to. For the other one I made Coconut Cream Cupcakes! Both tasted pretty good according to all that tried them!!